MUDr. Boris Živný, IFAANS, FAACPDM / NeuroCentrum, s.r.o./health

Prázdninové omezení provozu recepce NeuroCentrum Clinic // Holiday restrictions on the operation of the NeuroCentrum Clinic reception

13.07.2020 07:00

V době letních prázdnin 2020 v České republice bude částečně omezený provoz recepce NeuroCentrum Clinic. On-line služby recepce nebudou dostupné ve dnech 13.-17.7. a 10.-14. a 17.-21.8. V této době nám můžete posílat své dotazy a/nebo požadavky e-mailem. Pokud se týkají stávajících klientů, pište prosím na adresu, pokud se týkají nových klientů, kteří u nás ještě termín nemají, pište na adresu Pokud nám budete psát e-mail, nezapomeňte v něm uvést své celé jméno, celé jméno a rok narození klienta, kterého se požadavek týká, a Vaše telefonní číslo, na kterém Vás pracovnice recepce později může zastihnout. V ostatních prázdninových dnech bude recepce fungovat běžným způsobem, můžete ji tedy kontaktovat v pracovních dnech mezi 7:00 a 12:00 telefonicky na čísle +420 604 265 487 nebo kdykoliv e-mailem na adrese Děkujeme Vám za trpělivost, pochopení a trvající zájem o naše služby   

NeuroCentrum Clinic


During the summer holidays of 2020 in the Czech Republic, the NeuroCentrum Clinic reception operation will be partially limited. On-line reception services will not be available on July 13-17 and on August 10-14 and 17-21. At this time, you can send us your questions and / or requests by e-mail. If they concern existing clients, please write to the address, if they regard new clients who do not yet have a date with us, write to the address If you write us an e-mail, do not forget to state your full name, full name and year of birth of the client to whom the request relates, and your telephone number, where the receptionist can reach you later. On other holiday days, the reception will operate normally, so you can contact it on weekdays between 7:00 and 12:00 a.m. by phone at +420 604 265 487 or at any time by e-mail at Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued interest in our services

NeuroCentrum Clinic


During the summer holidays of 2020 in the Czech Republic, the NeuroCentrum Clinic reception operation will be partially limited. On-line reception services will not be available on July 13-17 and on August 10-14 and 17-21. At this time, you can send us your questions and / or requests by e-mail. If they concern existing clients, please write to the address, if they regard new clients who do not yet have a date with us, write to the address If you write us an e-mail, do not forget to state your full name, full name and year of birth of the client to whom the request relates, and your telephone number, where the receptionist can reach you later. On other holiday days, the reception will operate normally, so you can contact it on weekdays between 7:00 and 12:00 a.m. by phone at +420 604 265 487 or at any time by e-mail at Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued interest in our services
NeuroCentrum ClinicDuring the summer holidays of 2020 in the Czech Republic, the NeuroCentrum Clinic reception operation will be partially limited. On-line reception services will not be available on July 13-17 and on August 10-14 and 17-21. At this time, you can send us your questions and / or requests by e-mail. If they concern existing clients, please write to the address, if they regard new clients who do not yet have a date with us, write to the address If you write us an e-mail, do not forget to state your full name, full name and year of birth of the client to whom the request relates, and your telephone number, where the receptionist can reach you later. On other holiday days, the reception will operate normally, so you can contact it on weekdays between 7:00 and 12:00 a.m. by phone at +420 604 265 487 or at any time by e-mail at Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued interest in our services
NeuroCentrum Clinic

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