DMO klinika // International Cerebral Palsy Clinic (ICPC)
NeuroCentrum Clinic provozuje mezioborové pracoviště specializované na diagnostiku a komplexní léčbu dětské mozkové obrny (DMO) a jiných vývojových poruch - DMO klinika.
DMO klinika disponuje týmem specialistů z oborů neurologie, neurochirurgie, ortopedie, fyzioterapie, klinické logopedie a klinické psychologie, kteří na půdě NeuroCentrum Clinic spolupracují na diagnostice a léčbě nemocných dětí a dospívajících (a dospělých) s dětskou mozkovou obrnou (DMO) a jinými vývojovými poruchami nervového sytému a pohybového aparátu. DMO kliniku vede prim. MUDr. Boris Živný, IFAANS. DMO klinika přijímá klienty k jednorázovým konzultacím i do komplexní dlouhodobé péče. Objednání klientů zajišťuje recepce NeuroCentrum Clinic Praha telefonicky na čísle +420 604 265 487 nebo emailem na adrese
International Cerebral Palsy Clinic (ICPC) - interdisciplinary department of The NeuroCentrum Clinic specializing in the diagnostics and comprehensive treatment of cerebral palsy (CP) and other developmental disorders (childhood-onset disabilities).
The International Cerebral Palsy Clinic (ICPC) has a team of specialists from the fields of neurology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, physiotherapy, speech therapy and clinical psychology, who within the NeuroCentrum Clinic cooperate in the diagnostics and treatment of sick children and adolescents (and adults) with cerebral palsy (CP) and other developmental disorders of the nervous system and locomotion. ICPC leads Boris Živný, MD, IFAANS. The Clinic accepts clients on a one-off consultations to long-term comprehensive care. Ordering clients through the front desk of NeuroCentrum Clinic Prague phone +420 604 265 487 or by email at
Loving your disabled Child is not Enough!
The International Cerebral Palsy Clinic (ICPC), a part of The NeuroCentrum Clinic (member of The NeuroCentrum Group), based in Jesenice (close to Prague), Czech Republic (EU), is one of the leading European neuroscience medical facilities specialised for diagnostics and treatment of cerebral palsy and other developmental disorders in children with exclusive experience in the neurorehabilitation and semiinvasive and invasive (surgical) treatment of spasticity. We offer early clinical diagnostics and unique rehabilitational therapy FPIT (False Proprioceptive Information Therapy), RLT (Reflex Locomotion Therapy, Vojta Therapy), PMP (Postural Motor Programming) and hippotherapy, as well as highly experienced surgical approaches such as SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) not only in the lower back but also on cervical level, as well as subsequent treatment and rehabilitational care of your child. Preliminary investigation usually takes place locally, therapeutic and rehabilitational procedures are performed in our facilities in the Czech Republic. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities as well as terms of preliminary investigation (info@neurocentr
"The great danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss, but that it is too low and we achieve it." - Michelangelo